Shandong Airlines Agent Debit Memo(ADM) Policy

——Effective Date: 19 FEB.2020


According to IATA Resolution 850m, Shandong Airlines has the right to raise Agency Debit Memo (ADM) for any violations below.



l  Article 1 Fare Policy 

²  Incorrect fare application and combination (e.g. routing or sales restrictions)

²  Incorrect fare value

²  Violation of minimum / maximum stay, advanced purchase rules

²  Violation of applicable date or flights

²  Use of invalid code-share flights

²  Violation of stopovers, transfers and surcharges regulations

²  Incorrect RBD (booking class), on SC and on other Airlines

²  Incorrect Fare Basis or Tour code

²  Tampering with the cancellation and change rules in endorsement column

²  Incorrect use of promo fares


l  Article 2 Commission

²  Incorrect commission rate

²  If the ticket was refunded, but not by the agent who issued the ticket, Airlines will reclaim the commission paid to the original issuing agent.



l  Article 3 Taxes/Fees/Charges

²  Incorrect amount of taxes/fees/charges

²  Not collecting taxes/fees/charges


l  Article 4 Refund

²  Incorrect amount of refund of fares and taxes/fees/charges

²  Incorrect refund fee

²  Not collecting no-show fee

²  Incorrect calculation of commission amount for refund 

²  Incorrect form of payment for refund (versus sale)

²  Not in compliance with the airline refund policy, including but not limited to incomplete information for sickness refunds, duplicate refunds, refunds of used or expired tickets, refunds for non-refundable tickets

²  Failure to input waiver code as required for involuntary refund


l  Article 5 Reissue/Exchange

²  Reissue without collecting change/no-show/upgrade fee, etc.

²  Refunding fees which are non-refundable (e.g. change/no-show fee, etc.)

²  The difference should not be refunded if the fare and taxes of the new tickets are lower than the original ones

²  Failure to input “INVOL” as required for involuntary reissue/exchange

l  Article 6 Credit Card Violations

According to IATA Resolution 890, SC will issue an ADM in the following  situations

²  In the event of the Agent accepting a type of Customer Card which is not accepted by the SC whose Traffic Document is being issued, SC will charge the non-payment from the card company to the Agent..

²  The Agent may not accept any non-customer card or payment method that uses the SC's card acceptance merchant agreement, including any card issued in the name of the Agent or any Person permitted to act on behalf of the Agent, unless specifically authorized by SC.

A failure to comply with the rule above will be charged a 3% of the amount of the card payment.

²  If SC receives a notice of a dispute relating to a transaction submitted to the card company, SC will notify the Agent within 7 days and request appropriate supporting documentation and information, and the Agent will promptly comply with any such request within 7 days.

In the event of a disputed transaction and its subsequent rejection by the card company, SC will pass the loss to the Agent.

l  Article 7 Bookings Violations and Penalty Standard 


Multiple GDSBooking   and ticketing in different GDSUSD200/per passenger per ticket
Connecting timesViolate   MCT regulations
Fictitious BookingsBooking   with fake ticket names or other   false information for specific   purposes (including tests or training)USD10/per   passenger per segment
Duplicate bookingsAll   multiple active bookings for a   passenger with same or very similar   origin & destination or segment date;   same booking information in   different GDSs; Duplicate segments for one   passenger in one PNR, same   or different RBD, same IATA BSP/ARC PCC code
ChurningRepeatedly   cancel and rebook the same   itinerary to circumvent the ticket time   limit or for any other reason for   more than 3 times.USD10/per   passenger per segment
Invalid Ticket NumberBooking   with invalid,   refunded, used or false ticket numbersUSD10/per   passenger per segment
Passive bookingBooked   in 1E system but ticketed in other   GDSs.USD10/per   passenger per segment
Secure flight passenger data(SFPD)Missing   or delayed input of SFPD required   by the government depending on the   destination (e.g. US/CA)USD50/per   passenger
Inactive Segments cancellationFailure   to cancel inactive segments with   status codes of HX/NO/UC/UN/US at   least 24 hours prior to flight departure.USD10/per segment
QueuesFailure   to deal with queues (including but   not limit to ticketing time, flight   irregularities)
Cancellation ratioCancellation   ratio is higher than 85% and the   number of canceled segments is more   than 200USD10/per   segment
Cancellation   ratio is higher than 85% and the   number of canceled segments is less   than 200USD5/per   segment
Other   violationsViolate     the reservation and/or fare rules of the respective airlines when   using 324   tickets to sell other carriers or code share (SC*) flights.Follow the   standards of respective airlines
E.g.     Breaking of Married Segments or OD Bypass
AttentionAccording   to the regulations of Ministry of   Transport of PRC, missing or incomplete   DOCS may affect passengers'   after-sales service and smooth travel.
Failure to provide   valid passenger contact   details may result in a disrupted itinerary due to flight cancellation/     schedule changes   (including delay during departure). Please   follow the requirements of IATA   Resolution 830d.

*If any passenger complaints or claims for compensation due to the violation of the agent, the agent shall be responsible to comfort the passengers or bear the loss of the passengers.


l  Other Sales Violations and Penalty Standard


Multiple   GDSBooking and ticketing in   different GDSUSD200/per   passenger per ticket
Connecting   timesViolate MCT regulations
Fictitious   BookingsBooking with fake ticket   names or other   false information for specific purposes (including   tests or training)USD10/per     passenger per segment
Duplicate   bookingsAll multiple active   bookings for a   passenger with same or very similar origin &   destination or segment date;   same booking information in different   GDSs; Duplicate segments for one   passenger in one PNR, same or   different RBD, same IATA BSP/ARC PCC code
ChurningRepeatedly cancel and   rebook the same   itinerary to circumvent the ticket time limit or for   any other reason for   more than 3 times.USD10/per passenger per   segment
Invalid   Ticket NumberBooking with invalid,     refunded, used or false ticket numbersUSD10/per passenger per   segment
Passive   bookingBooked in 1E system but   ticketed in other   GDSs.USD10/per passenger per   segment
Secure   flight passenger data(SFPD)Missing or delayed input   of SFPD required   by the government depending on the destination (e.g.   US/CA)USD50/per passenger
Inactive   Segments cancellationFailure to cancel   inactive segments with   status codes of HX/NO/UC/UN/US at least 24   hours prior to flight departure.USD10/per   segment
QueuesFailure to deal with   queues (including but   not limit to ticketing time, flight   irregularities)
Cancellation ratioCancellation ratio is   higher than 85% and the   number of canceled segments is more than 200USD10/per segment
Cancellation   ratio is higher than 85% and the   number of canceled segments is less   than 200USD5/per segment
Other     violationsViolate   the   reservation and/or fare rules of the respective airlines when using 324     tickets to sell other carriers or code share (SC*) flights.Follow the     standards of respective airlines
E.g.     Breaking of Married Segments or OD Bypass
AttentionAccording     to the regulations of Ministry of Transport of PRC, missing or   incomplete   DOCS may affect passengers' after-sales service and smooth   travel.
Failure to provide   valid passenger contact   details may result in a disrupted itinerary due to flight cancellation/     schedule changes   (including delay during departure). Please   follow the requirements of IATA   Resolution 830d.

*If any passenger complaints or claims for compensation due to the violation of the agent, the agent shall be responsible to comfort the passengers or bear the loss of the passengers.



l  Dispute Procedure:


²  The agent can dispute an ADM issued by Shandong Airlines via BSP link within 15 days after issuance in accordance with IATA Resolution 850m.

²  Shandong Airlines will handle disputed ADMs within 60 days of receipt.

²  If Shandong Airlines rejects the dispute, an explanation for the rejection will be sent to the agent via BSP link .

²  If it is established that an ADM is not valid, it will be canceled.

²  An ADM will be settled through BSP automatically.

²  Regarding any subsequent dispute of such ADM, the agent can submit PBD( Post Billing Dispute) through BSP Link, the follow-up process is implemented with reference to IATA Resolutions 812 and 818g.

l  Others:

²  Unless otherwise stated, the ADM policy only applies to regions other than mainland China.

²  The provisions may be changed without prior notice.

²  In the event that the provisions and the penalty standards hereunder are in violation of the laws and regulations where the agent is located, the local laws and regulations shall prevail.


We appreciate your support and look forward to your cooperation.



Shandong Airlines

